Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: Tim Clark Q&A with Malinda Williams
Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: Tim Clark Q&A with Malinda Williams on Entrepreneurship and Community Empowerment (extracted from Feb. 21, 2024 interview on 95.7 The Boss radio)
In late February, Omaha 100 CEO Malinda Williams had an opportunity to converse with Tim Clark, Manager Of Community Relations for Metropolitan Community College. Their discussion provided some potentially helpful insights for BIPOC community members seeking support along their journey to become homeowners, start their businesses or grow them.
1. How important is the entrepreneurial mindset in starting a business?
Malinda: Entrepreneurship is not just about the actions and work you do to start a business; it requires a resilient mindset. We've partnered with a mental health professional specializing in entrepreneurs to address this, focusing on maintaining resilience and supporting mental health.
2. Why is mental health critical for entrepreneurs, especially in current times?
Malinda: The foresight to recognize mental health and mindset as critical pieces is huge. Considering the impacts of COVID, economic uncertainties, and political climate, everyone could benefit from a therapist to navigate life's complexities.
3. How can individuals in the community, especially the African American community, address mental health issues?
Malinda: Traditionally, our communities haven't openly discussed mental health. It's crucial to meet people where they are and support them comprehensively. Self-care, balance, and seeking help are essential aspects of addressing mental health challenges.
4. As an African American female executive, what advice do you have for young women aspiring to leadership roles?
Malinda: It's about balance, support, and not being too proud to seek help. Surround yourself with people genuinely invested in your success. It's vital to have a support system or a team that shares in your vision and is there to help make your dreams a reality.
5. What personal practices do you find helpful for growth and perspective?
Malinda: Travel has been incredibly beneficial for gaining new perspectives and appreciating life. It helps in understanding that many successful programs and products are adapted from what's already working elsewhere.
6. How do you define self-care, and what does it mean for you?
Malinda: Self-care involves listening to oneself more and finding quiet moments for meditation and prayer. It's about defining what self-care means to you personally and ensuring you have space to listen to the universe for guidance.
7. How do you navigate distractions and stay focused on your goals?
Malinda: It's about avoiding the disruptions that create distractions and staying focused on the prize. Especially in North Omaha, with significant resources coming our way, it's crucial to work together intentionally and stay focused on collective goals.
8. What future opportunities do you see for the community, and how can they be maximized?
Malinda: We're at a tipping point where something different is possible, with funds available to make it happen. If we focus on execution and stay clear of letting pride and ego get in the way, we can achieve incredible outcomes despite institutional racism and systemic oppression.
Reach out to learn more about what it takes for you to own a home and to take advantage of the support and resources Omaha 100 offers. You can send an email to, give a call at (402) 342-3773 or visit the website at